New WordPress Website

A&M Energy Solutions

required a new website to help them attract retrofit customers to their home insulation business

We created a fully functional WordPress website, with pages and a bespoke contact form.

We can build the same for you! We are a web design agency based in Kent.

am energy solutions mockup
Am Energy Solutions Mockup
Insulation mockup
Cavity Wall Insulation

Your new website on a mobile!



  • Create a new SEO optimised website.
  • A bespoke Contact Form
  • Specific niche Keywords that the business could be found for on the website for the various services
  • Fast loading website to ensure smooth customer journey
  • Clean, sharp Images in line with the branding
Pixar Home Insulation
Am Energy Mac Mockup



This WordPress website lines lines up with the company branding using clear messaging and images. Accompanied by keyphrases the busines wanted to be found for, we have the perfect combination of tailored design with a search engine friendly website. We’re very happy with the result, see for yourself by heading over to if you’d like to take a look!

If you are interested in this type of site you would be looking at our Business Package

Am Energy Mac Mockup



This new website has provided the perfect platform that has been deemed excellent by Google Ads to go with their campaigns to attract custom from all over the UK.

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